10 recent moves by TechDay you should know about
TechDay is laser-focused on the business of technology news. As part of this focus, we are constantly improving how we run things.
Here are some of the latest updates to our network:
New look sites
TechDay has relaunched its websites with a whole new updated look; keeping up with the latest trends to ensure the best visual appearance and ease of navigation. See an example of the new IT Brief Australia site look here.
To complement this, very soon, we are launching CMOtech Asia Pacific.
While the new site will be the first in the TechDay network to be read by CMOs and marketing decision-makers it builds upon our long history of writing about MarTech.
We welcome news and updates from conferences. Please ensure they follow our guidelines here:
In particular, please split each announcement into a separate email, so we can easily allocate them between our editors.
Continue to send these to editors@techday.com
Press releases
A reminder that press releases need to be 600 words or longer as well as in the body of the email not attached as a PDF. We delete a lot of press releases each week for these two reasons.
Here is a quick guideline for submitting press releases:
A follow-up about follow-ups
We have received a record number of press releases. What a year ago we would've received in a week, we now regularly receive in a day.
This means that the chance of covering a press release received has dropped from 10-15% to less than 5%. This doesn't impact preferred partners, where our SLA of 80% will continue.
One important request is not to follow us up. Our inboxes are empty, so they create thousands of extra emails to deduplicate and process each week.
Editorial feature list / Ultimate Guides
The editorial feature list has been updated alongside the new Ultimate Guides, which are now live and starting to be indexed by Google and Bing.
A great example is the Ultimate Guide to Artificial Intelligence.
Content will automatically flow through the most appropriate Ultimate Guides, with no additional cost to participate.
Quickfire Interviews
The team has developed five new Quickfire interview types to cater to different organisations, ensuring they are personalised to each customer's needs.
Our Quickfire interview offering and process is explained here.
See an example of a recent channel-focused Quickfire Interview here.
Editorial Team
TechDay now has a record number of editorial team members, including Catherine, Damian, Darren, Gaurav, Mitchell, Nadine, Quentin, Romane, Shannon, Tom, Valentin, Zach and Sean.
The techday team will publish 150 stories alone this week. Smashing out stories each day, the team endeavour to continue producing high-quality stories to keep readers updated with the latest enterprise news.
The coding of the sites has been changed so bylines can be displayed in a more pleasing manner.
For example: By Ben Swanson, Channels Director, RingCentral.
Compared to the old way of, Article by RingCentral channels director Ben Swanson.
We are also changing to capitalising job titles. We had previously converted all job titles to lowercase. By not doing this, we will save heaps of time to write other stories.
TechDay is also submitting the author of bylines to Google. Within a few weeks, customers can easily search for their name and find their bylines on Google. This is in addition to all the existing ways readers find the bylines.
Consumer product reviews
TechDay's team of reviewers thoroughly enjoys testing products and writing about them.
We are closing off our reviews process in early November to enable our team to get all the reviews up in time for pre-Xmas website traffic.
This means that we will close off accepting new reviews at close of business Friday 11th November and we will restart accepting reviews in early February.
Here is an explanation of our reviews process:
Examples of recent reviews:
If you're interested in putting a product forward for review, please complete this form:
Also, ensure any review units are received by 18th November for publishing in time.
Start-Up of the Week site
TechDay recently acquired the Start-Up for the Week site, which has been incorporated into all eCommerceNews sites. Explore new and interesting stories here.
If you have a message you want to get out to our readers. Contact us here.