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Australians embracing 'digital refresh', reveals Samsung study


New findings reveal that a 'digital refresh' may just be the latest tech trend, but how do we dispose of, uprade, or replace our tech safely?

The findings, from new research that was done by Samsung, has identified a growing trend among many Australians towards a 'digital refresh', as nearly 52% of residents say they plan to spring clean their homes this year by replacing or upgrading their digital devices and home appliances.

The data reveals that 43% of Australians are intending to dispose of or replace digital displays such as televisions and monitors. Meanwhile, 32% plan to replace or get rid of home appliances like fridges and washing machines, and 20% are looking to upgrade mobile devices such as phones and tablets.

Driving this trend are several motivations, including the desire for more functional and aesthetically pleasing products. Over half (53%) of Australians expressed the wish for appliances that complement their home interiors, while 19% admitted they would upgrade devices to impress visitors. Notably, Gen Z individuals are substantially influenced by social perceptions, with 25% and nearly 32% saying they feel embarrassed or judged for having outdated or mismatched appliances.

Regarding sustainability, the study highlights that while 50% plan to dispose of or replace their appliances and digital devices, a notable 51% are unsure about how to correctly recycle or pass on these items. This uncertainty is most prevalent among younger generations, with only 40% of Gen Z and 48% of Millennials feeling confident about proper disposal and recycling; this is contrasted with 62% of Gen X and 69% of Baby Boomers who feel more assured.

Despite these gaps in knowledge, some Australians have already started responsible disposal practices. Over a quarter (27%) are utilising upcycling or digital device collection services. However, other methods are less environmentally friendly, with 15% taking their devices to the tip and 13% leaving items for council collection. Only a small 8% return their devices to retailers when they cease to function.

Accessing the latest technology and features was identified as a top reason to upgrade by 15% of respondents, and 13% are driven by a better user experience. Around 51% also cited high energy consumption as a significant frustration with their current appliances, pushing them towards smart, connected devices designed to save time and energy while offering enhanced performance.

These findings underscore the importance of consumer education on sustainable disposal methods and the benefits of newer, energy-efficient technology.

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