HPE adds CloudRecover as specialist software distributor
Hewlett Packard Enterprise has added Xstrato CloudRecover to its Australian distributor lineup, with the managed service provider appointed as a specialist HPE software VAD.
Xstrato CloudRecover will offer Hewlett Packard Enterprise's full portfolio of software information management solutions via SaaS.
Mac Thompson, Xstrato CloudRecover chief executive and founder, says the appointment as a specialist HPE software value added distributor cements the company's relationship with HPE.
"We are proud to offer the full suite of HPE software information management and governance solutions in a flexible, true cloud-based SaaS deliver model," Thompson says.
He says CloudRecover was an early mover to cloud as a service provider more than 10 years ago.
The company claims to have one of the largest private clouds in Australia, servicing organisations from SMB to enterprise throughout Asia Pacific with a portfolio of offerings including virtual private server hosting, backup and disaster recovery, storage optimisation, information governance and document management.
CloudRecover says it can provide 1Gbps or 10Gbps connections from data centers across Australia and New Zealand, as well as Singapore, Hong Kong, Canada and the United States.
CloudRecover says it works with HPE partners throughout Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia, implementing and delivering HPE solutions in a cloud environment.
CloudRecover's appointment comes just months after Hewlett Packard Enterprise culled its Australian distributor list to five, dropping Synnex, Westcon and Avnet from its local lineup.
The rationalisation saw Dicker Data, Distribution Central, Ingram Micro and Lynex picking up full distributions, with Sektor handling Aruba and HPE networking products.