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Aligning People, Tech, Process: Key to Organisational Success
Tue, 20th Jun 2023

Today’s businesses are at risk of being overwhelmed by information, with an incredible amount of data currently being created globally with no indication that it will slow down any time soon. This presents significant challenges for organisations trying to effectively capture and classify that data, as well as ensuring it remains secure and protected from unauthorised access while seamlessly following appropriate workflows. If businesses continue to operate as they are, the challenges organisations currently face will continue to compound over time, especially as the rate of data creation rapidly increases. As such, it’s essential that businesses invest in solutions and processes that empower them to operate in a smarter way now to set them up for future success.

Large volumes of data present many opportunities for organisations to dive deep into trends and processes to uncover areas that can be streamlined and improved for greater productivity. However, the speed at which this data is being created can be overwhelming for businesses, especially those that don’t have effective information management practices in place.

Organisations that lack efficient information management are at risk of missing opportunities to improve their productivity and agility, which is essential for success in today’s fast-paced business landscape. At the same time, organisations that struggle with information management are also at risk of becoming non-compliant, as managing data without clear and effective processes in place can be challenging and can lead to errors or missed information. Environments that are complex for the end user to navigate can be especially challenging, increasing the potential for non-compliance as people will habitually store information outside workflows and in their inboxes or network drives. Complicating environments or creating too much change for users can also result in the risk of shadow IT practices.

To achieve business success, people, workplace processes, and technology need to efficiently intersect to create a more intelligent digital workspace. The latest digital information management solutions can empower organisations to eliminate risk, improve compliance, and achieve information management best practices by facilitating a space where these elements intersect.

Digital information management solutions that personalise applications to people and their unique job functions can help businesses achieve a greater level of compliance and best practice across their operations when it comes to information management. Combining this with good practices across the company gives people easy-to-use and access guide rails that are closely aligned to their technology to support the efficient use of tools.

Organisations need to simplify the business environment and remove unnecessary noise. Processes and technology need to align to ensure organisations can be more intelligent and prescriptive with how their technology solutions are used; this can eliminate the potential for expensive information assets to be underutilised across the company.

Every user comes to an organisation and application or business environment from a different experience; the more closely aligned those guide rails or processes are to the technology, the easier it will be for people to use. By closely embedding these elements—and converging people, processes, and technology—the better the outcomes will be for individual users and organisations more broadly. Digital solutions that prioritise the intersection of people, processes, and technology can help to significantly improve information management across businesses, leading to increased productivity and the reduced risk of non-compliance.