MAPP stories - Page 37

MAPS.ME and OpenStreetMap team up to help disaster recovery and response
Mon, 11th Sep 2017
personal computing devices
Maps.ME and HOT partner to enable crowdsourcing of local data critical to humanitarian response. Precise location data can now be collected via the app.

Govt. puts $800,000 towards 3-D aerial mapping of Northland
Thu, 7th Sep 2017
The data can be used by forestry companies to help plan their logging operations and horticulture companies for sustainable land management.

Kiwi company Promapp picks up Aussie council body as client
Wed, 6th Sep 2017
cloud services
According to Promapp, its cloud-based software will enable the council body to map, review and improve processes on an ongoing basis.

Exclusive interview: Virtual reality is becoming the new internet
Mon, 4th Sep 2017
ar, vr & metaverse
unity technologies
Unity, the gaming platform, is expanding into the Australia and New Zealand markets to tap into the growing AR/VR industry.

20th Century Fox and Samsung team-up to change how we experience TV
Tue, 29th Aug 2017
digital entertainment
20th Century Fox, Panasonic, and Samsung partner to create an open and royalty-free dynamic metadata platform for HDR.

Exclusive interview: Nearmap on competing with Google Maps
Mon, 28th Aug 2017
cloud services
Cloud technology has the ability to break down borders, whether that be the four walls of an office, or geographical borders separating countries.

Kiwi gas company speeds up approval processes with Promapp
Fri, 25th Aug 2017
cloud services
First Gas has signed a contract with Promapp, and will replace its current manual, paper-based business processes with Promapp’s process mapping tool.

New 3D DCIM software reduces risk & costs for data centers
Wed, 23rd Aug 2017
software development
CyberHub ECO.DC is available in a fully autonomous local server version, or as a globally available Software-as-a-Service from the cloud.

Dell EMC: Your future workforce needs plans not fortune telling
Mon, 21st Aug 2017
network infrastructure
digital transformation
workplace of the future
If the aim is to create empowered and productive employees, it makes sense that the process should start with them.

Kiwi software provider recognised as one of the world's ‘hot vendors’ in BPM
Fri, 18th Aug 2017
There were five vendors recognised in the report, each with unique approaches to supporting the business process management needs of organisations.

Drones could restore the Earth by planting a billion trees within a year
Tue, 15th Aug 2017
cloud services
In a high-tech bid to reforest the planet, BioCarbonEngineering's drones could plant a billion trees a year, revolutionising ecosystem restoration.

Intel completes $15.3b Mobileye buy, slides into gear for autonomous driving future
Wed, 9th Aug 2017
Intel has completed its $15.3 billion acquisition of Mobileye as gears up take on the autonomous driving market.

Kiwi business software provider Promapp continues US expansion with new contract
Thu, 3rd Aug 2017
risk & compliance
cloud services
GCM will deploy Promapp’s cloud-based business process management (BPM) software to capture and manage business processes.

Motorola signs $7M deal with WA Dept of Fire & Emergency Services
Wed, 2nd Aug 2017
motorola solutions
Motorola Solutions signs AUD$7m deal with Western Australia's Department of Fire - Emergency Services for new computer aided dispatch system.

Javelin Networks: Give up on honeypots, because attackers will outsmart them
Mon, 31st Jul 2017
digital credentials
Honey tokens, which are honeypots that are not computers, are easily studied and avoided by the average attacker.

Fraser Coast Council deploys Promapp to ramp up workflow efficiency
Wed, 26th Jul 2017
document management
For example, if a customer request for a water meter issue is received, a work order can then be generated and a council staff member dispatched.

Thinking outside of the rack: Designing and planning by pod
Fri, 30th Jun 2017
datacentre infrastructure
power / energy
schneider electric
When commonly available voltages and breaker sizes are considered, optimum pod configurations emerge that make planning and design easier.

Six essential steps to a successful cybersecurity program
Mon, 26th Jun 2017
endpoint protection
risk & compliance
Firms are at a disadvantage in the fight against cybercriminals but building a mature cybersecurity program can help overcome those problems.

Promapp unleashes lean, mean tagging machine
Fri, 23rd Jun 2017
New Zealand's Promapp introduces Lean Tagging, a new functionality to help organisations integrate lean improvement initiatives.

IT company headquartered in rural Paeroa offers developers a different lifestyle
Fri, 23rd Jun 2017
software development
Paeroa-based IT firm Adroit Creations challenges the urban norm, proving that tech businesses can thrive in rural areas while offering a unique lifestyle.