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WIRES partners with Engaging to upgrade CRM for wildlife rescue

Thu, 1st Aug 2024

WIRES, Australia’s largest native wildlife rescue organisation, has named tech consultancy to deliver a new Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform. This initiative aims to improve the efficiency of tracking rescue submissions both via phone and its website, ultimately enhancing response times and the quality of animal welfare outcomes.

With increasing demand for its services, the organisation, dedicated to rehabilitating and preserving Australian wildlife for over 35 years, is set to enhance its operations. The aim is to streamline services to benefit sick and injured animals and the wildlife carers responsible for rescue and rehabilitation.

WIRES operates with the support of over 4,000 volunteers spread across 28 branches in Australia. The volunteers are integral to its 24/7 Rescue Call Centre, which handles approximately 180,000 calls per year and provides assistance and advice for over 130,000 animals annually.

Engaging has been tasked with upgrading WIRES' rescue and care management system, focusing primarily on transitioning to HubSpot. The new platform is expected to improve the tracking of rescue submissions and enhance the efficiency of call responses. Additionally, it aims to deliver improved animal welfare outcomes.

The adoption of HubSpot will simplify the rescue process for volunteers, making it easier to accept and manage rescues. It will also offer a more user-friendly experience for employees by introducing features such as ticket pipeline automation and reducing the need for duplicate data entry. Furthermore, WIRES management will gain better insights into response times and rescues through HubSpot's native reporting capabilities.

Leanne Taylor, CEO of WIRES, commented on the partnership: “WIRES is excited to embark on this journey with at a time when demand for our service is significantly increasing. The transition to HubSpot will not only offer a more intuitive user experience but will also allow us to better track and report on rescues underway while tracking an animal's progress for its full lifecycle in WIRES to give them the best possible chance of survival.”

Michelle O’Keeffe, CEO of Engaging, also expressed enthusiasm for the collaboration: “WIRES is an Aussie institution with a mission to protect and preserve Australia's wildlife. As a team of native animal lovers, we are excited by and committed to delivering a solution that meets WIRES' unique needs and enables them to continue their vital work with greater efficiency and effectiveness via the HubSpot platform.” continues to expand its footprint, recently establishing a presence in the United States and securing a contract with a Texas-based National Basketball Association (NBA) team to overhaul its marketing and communication strategies. Other notable clients include Adventure Experiences operator Experience Co, global business publisher Key Media, and an Australian mortgage broker and accounting software company.

The appointment of signifies a significant step for WIRES in adopting technology to enhance their critical rescue operations and improve outcomes for Australia’s native wildlife.

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