India is catching up in the global tech market, Gartner finds
India is catching up to other global technology markets, taking advantage of areas such as Internet of Things (IoT) and software-as-a-service (SaaS), new research from Gartner has found.
Overall, the Indian economy has a foreign direct investment inflow of $5.9 billion from April 2015 to March 2016, a 150% increase.
Gartner's "Hype Cycle for ICT In India, 2016" has shown that local vendors are taking more of an interest in emerging and mature tech segments in the region, and is slowly gaining ground globally.
"When comparing the technology entries for India and the rest of the world, we noticed that the overall technology lag - that is, global traction versus India traction - is gradually closing. India has evolved from an ICT environment that was about 18 months to two years behind global trends at the start of the decade, to one in which most trends are in sync with global trends," explains Santhosh Rao, Gartner principal research analyst.
The Hype Cycle shows maturity of 25 different technologies, showing which are the most important considerations for IT managers and CIOs who are transitioning to digital businesses.
DevOps is an area that triggers innovation as it drives awareness amongst infrastructure and operations teams about IT service delivery. Gartner says the fundamental principles of DevOps are about agility and flexibility bridging methods that bring development and operations together. These include innovation, small, fast releases, failing cheaply and learning from failure.
Crowdsourcing is also becoming a lucrative option, as Indian businesses crowdsource ideas for application development services, innovation platforms, hackathons and local/central government initiatives.
Gartner says crowdsourcing can stimulate and capture creative ideas from outside an organisation, driving more human insight and better innovation.
Gartner says that IoT success will depend on bringing IT and operation technology resources, people and processes carefully, as the trend is now slipping into 'disillusionment'. Experimenting with pilot projects to understand IoT effects is the first key step for Indian organizations.