Commvault GO a bright light amongst imminent storm
Commvault GO came to a triumphant close in Orlando tonight, despite being in the direct path of Hurricane Matthew, a serious hurricane that has wreaked havoc in Haiti and now has Southern Florida in its sights.
Despite claims that 'chunks' of the 1300-strong crowd packed their bags, the event showed no signs of slowing down. Not even bad weather could keep Commvault customers, partners, employees, sponsors and industry experts away.
This afternoon Commvault issued a warning instructing delegates to take precautions and make plans to leave Orlando before the incoming storm hits.
"We have been monitoring the progress and track of Hurricane Matthew for the last week as it made its way north. The path and intensity of the storm has changed many times, and was – for a while – going to be further out to sea. This is no longer the case with the latest forecasts," the statement said.
"Just a short time ago, the National Hurricane Center issued a formal warning for Hurricane Matthew for Orlando. A Hurricane Warning is an indication that hurricane conditions in the greater Orlando area are possible within 36 hours. Tropical storm force winds are expected here Thursday evening."
The statement went on to say that "The Governor of Florida has issued formal instructions for residents and visitors near the Florida coast, and advised people in general to prepare, and, where possible, to leave, and leave early. Nearly all GO 2016 activities end tonight, but there are some training programs on the calendar tomorrow which will be cancelled."
"Enjoy the party tonight, thanks for coming to Commvault GO2016, and we wish you safe travels home."
However, all of today's events went off without a hitch. CCO Bill Wohl posted a Twitter picture that that the proof is in the afterparty, which is currently in progress and attracting crowds of people.
The Twitter responses have also been overwhelmingly positive, showing that the weather can not hold back true progress.
Bill Wohl, Commvault CCO commented, "What hurricane... party going strong! ... Commvault GO is a total success. Huge GO party!!"
But it's not just staff praising the massive success: Twitter user cedwardbrice says "congrats to you and the Commvault GO team for a great conference."
Monty Zarrouk said "another great healthcare session by Jeff Pelot, Denver Health CIO on Commvault eDiscovery solution and benefits at Commvault GO."
Liana Kvidera tweeted, "This has been an amazing experience".
Commvault posted images of the 'packed' breakout sessions, while others documented the inspiring message that they had taken away from their discussions.
Red Hat started documenting the hurricane process at its own booth, while Commvault CCO Al Bunte showed how data is helping attendees rise above the storm... literally.
Weather alerts were broadcast to attendees through the app, showing not only responsibility but the power of data and mobile technology through applications.