The 2017-18 Budget: Here’s what Aussie’s cyber security vendors think
The Australian 2017-18 Budget dropped on Tuesday evening, and as per usual, there will be inevitable winners and losers.
But what does the tech sector think? We got the point of view from some of Aussie's biggest IT vendors - ASI Solutions, Tenable, LogRhythm, WatchGuard Technologies, PING Identity and Malwarebytes - to get a grasp of how it could affect the channel moving forward.
Thus far (or at least in the cyber security industry), it appears to be smiles all round.
Tenable vice president for Asia Pacific, Gary JacksonJackson is particularly impressed with the government's $10.7 million investment in creating a dedicated Cyber Security Advisory Office, as it validates the country's commitment to improving infrastructure and should be welcomed by all in Australia.
The rapid pace of tech innovation has left organisations and the government exposed to threats and vulnerabilities. It's important that we continue to prioritise cyber security," Jackson says.
This means making smart investments and deploying the right tools to ensure organisations understand and reduce their level of exposure and cyber risk."
LogRhythm director of sales for Australia and New Zealand, Simon HoweHowe is pleased to see the government's commitment to making a significant investment in cyber security.
"As major security breaches in Australia continue to dominate headlines, it has become critical that government take the threats to business and the country's key infrastructure installations seriously. The current political turmoil taking place globally means that cyber attackers are now well equipped to target the country's critical infrastructure including power stations, water treatment facilities, communication hubs.," Howe says.
"Robust security initiatives need to be developed and implemented urgently and the government's interest and investment in this space is to be applauded.
WatchGuard Technologies regional director for Australia and New Zealand, David HigginsHiggins believes the government is to be applauded for its recognition of cyber security.
Cyber security continues to be a major issue for business as ransomware and financial fraud attacks grow in Australia at an alarming rate with a potentially devastating impact on productivity, brand reputation and revenue," Higgins says.
"It is now critical that funding for robust cyber security initiatives and education are developed and implemented as soon as possible to ensure data is protected."
PING Identity's chief technology officer and principal architect for Asia Pacific, Mark PerryPerry says identity fraud continues to increase and impact on Aussies in all walks of life, making it commendable that the government has seen fit to make cyber security a budget funding item.
"In signalling that it will continue to invest substantial dollars to furthering its cyber security initiatives, the community can have some confidence in publicly funded programs which may well place personal identity protection at the centre of the country's overall cyber security agenda."
Malwarebytes regional director for Australia and New Zealand, Jim CookCook says it's great to see cyber security in the budget, and that it is now critical that funding for robust cyber security initiatives including education are developed and implemented as soon as possible to ensure people and businesses are protected.
"Cyber security continues to be a major issue for businesses and consumers alike," Cook says.
"Australia is the sixth most targeted country for ransomware and the seventh most targeted country for banking Trojans. The number of attacks is growing at an alarming rate with a potentially devastating impact on daily life, productivity, brand reputation and revenue.
ASI Solutions director, Justin LoweLowe says the government's substantial investment in cyber security is to be commended.
"As digitisation of every function continues to gather pace and IoT, mobility and the cloud becomes accessible to more Australians, it is it is critical that the Australian government is seen to take a lead and send out a message to the global market that Australia is a nation that embraces innovation and change and should be considered by business as an opportunity for substantial investment.